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Student life is the happiest and the most crucial period in the life of a person. It is not just about attending classes in a course and working hard to attain an appropriate level of mastery of a subject under the guidance of an instructor. Student life is a phase where a person acquires the values of hard work for better grades, discipline, punctuality, teamwork, unity, and more, and strives to become a successful and good human being. It is a period that shapes an individual and prepares them to face the upcoming challenges of life with courage and strength.

Roles and Responsibilities of students

Being in their best of behaviours: An educational environment is required to ensure that the students get access to an excellent education. But, for that environment to exist, they are expected to comply with behavioural expectations and display values of politeness, kindness, compassion, and respect.

Meeting academic expectations: Students must meet the academic expectations by creating a collaborative learning environment and displaying values of teamwork and unity.

Being respectful and punctual: By being respectful, students contribute to a quality learning environment and reduce disruptions and disciplinary actions. Students are also supposed to be punctual. Being late for class creates a negative impact on their grades. Thus, students must maintain discipline in the classroom.

Duties that students should perform

Obey the teachers
Maintain discipline in the class
Keep the school neat
Greet everyone with a smile
Be helpful
Abide by the rules of the school
Complete the assigned work on time
Participate in the activities organized in the school
Co-operate with the teachers
Decorate their school with charts, posters, et cetera